Ghosts of Georgia Investigation report

On October 28, 2017, GOGPI investigated claims of paranormal activity at a private residence in Union Point, GA. The activity reported at the home is as follows: Voices, things thrown, objects moved, shadows, smells, baby handprints on mirror, knockings.

Investigators & people present at investigation: Investigators – Ed Laughlin, Brian Daffern, Chris & Christie Bradley


Moonrise, moonset and phase calendar:

Meridian Passing  

10-28, 2017


3:02 PM



1:03 AM


(252°)       (252°)
Meridian Passing Time

8:28 PM





Distance Illuminated







Almanac for Union Point, GA
October 28, 2017
Max Temperature 65 69 86 in 1940 45 in 1910
Min Temperature 42 50 69 in 1919 31 in 1957
Avg Temperature 53.5 59.8 76.5 in 1919 38.0 in 1910
Precipitation 0.58 0.10 2.21 in 2002 0.00 in 2016
Snowfall 0.0 0.0 0.0 in 2017 0.0 in 2017
Snow Depth 0 0 in 2017 0 in 2017
HDD (base 65) 11 6 27 in 1910 0 in 2016
CDD (base 65) 0 1 12 in 1919 0 in 2017

Equipment used by Investigators

Cameras: Two Canon Rebel digital cameras, Samsung digital camera, Fuji S602 digital camera, Tasco infrared trail camera, iPhone 5S Camera/Video, numerous IR Video Cameras connected to a J2000 DVR. Nikon Coolpix L28 Full Spectrum digital camera, Bell & Howell IR Camcorder, JVC Everio Camcorder, T700 Full spectrum Camcorder, DDV-2200 full spectrum video camcorder, Insignia full spectrum HD camera/video recorder, MagiCam Mini Camcorder, FLIR Bcam w/SD, set of full spectrum POV glasses.

DVR: Black HD-SDI H.264

EMF Meters: Electro Sensor EMF Meter, Cell Sensor, Digital EMF Detectors, Mel-8704R-KII, Mel-8704-R, several K-II Meters.

Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder, 2- Sony digital recorders, Olympus D-10 digital voice recorder, RCA digital recorder Olympus VN-4100PC. Spion Parabolic Dish.

Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega HH68K ambient thermometer. Mel-8704R-KII has ambient thermometer included.

Other: 2-P-SB7 frequency sweep radio( spirit box ), P-SB11 spirit box, Spirit voice receiver, Boo Buddy Bear, Laser Grid, Compaq Presario Laptop, Dell Laptop, Ovilus M, Altec speaker, 2- Rem Pods, Mobile Kinect, various flashlights.

Condition of home:

Records show house built in 1920 but the house appears to be much older, it is structurally sound, windows and doors are subject to drafts and outside noises, all utilities are up to date and in good working order.


Start DVR 8:51 pm – Investigation 9:28 pm – End Investigation 12:31 am – Stop DVR 12:35 am

Base Readings9:00 pm

Kitchen                        70.0 Temp       0.0 EMF

Pantry/Attic                 70.0 Temp       0.5 EMF

Master Bedroom         69.0 Temp       0.0 EMF (0.7 near sign)

Living Room               69.0 Temp       0.0 EMF

Guest Room                 69.0 Temp       0.0 EMF

Guest Bath                   69.0 Temp       0.0 EMF

Guest Bath/Closet       69.0 Temp       0.0 EMF

Bath w/Shower           70.0 Temp       0.0 EMF


After Base Readings and Equipment Set Up – Investigation Began

Investigation – Team 1 – Chris & Brian

  1. 9:28 pm – Guest Bedroom
    1. 9:29 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 9:39 pm End EVP
  2. 9:41 pm – Living Room

9:42 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight – 9:53 pm End EVP

  1. 9:53 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 9:55 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 10:06 pm End EVP
  2. 10:06 pm – Kitchen (Pantry 0.0 EMF now)
    1. 10:12 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 10:21 pm End EVP

Investigation – Team 2 – Christie & Ed

  1. 10:34 pm – Kitchen
    1. 10:46 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight – 10:59 pm End EVP
  2. 11:00 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 11:05 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 11:20 pm End EVP
  3. 11:25 pm – Living Room
    1. 11:30 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 11:44 pm End EVP

End Investigation: 12:31 am



GOGPI was called in to investigate the above claims of activity. We set up stationary cameras in the reported active areas of the house. We then started investigating the rooms in the home by taking EMF and temperature readings, all were within normal limits, and conducting EVP session throughout the home.

We did not get anything in our pictures or video. We did record numerous EVP’s. All investigators had some personal experiences, see below.

With the claims of activity from the client, personal experiences by the investigators, the EVP’s that were recorded we feel like there is paranormal activity in the house. We feel that the activity is not harmful for the home or the client and family. We cannot say the house is haunted without a follow up investigation to see if we can reproduce the claims of activity, personal experiences, and to gather more evidence of paranormal activity.


Ed Laughlin

Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigations

Personal Experience summaries from investigators on the investigation


I felt a light tap on the left front shoulder during the walk through in the guest bedroom.

I saw a light on the wall by the front window in the master bedroom. It was about 1 inch wide by 2 foot long. It lasted for about 3 seconds.

I heard 3 distinct knocks while in the master bedroom investigating with Ed.


I heard whispering coming from the living room.

I heard footsteps in the master bedroom while sitting at base.

I heard a loud bang noise come from the storage room while sitting at base.


I heard a single knock while in the kitchen and in the living room.

Smelt a burning coffee/toast odor that seemed to move from one room to another and then go away, them cinnamon at well in bedroom.

Heard a crash from storage unit while at base.

Heard what sounded like someone moving around in front of master bedroom while at base.

While all of us were sitting in the living room heard a boing sound like a spring twice.

And lastly, saw two big ass possums try to sneak up on Chris and I while at base on the porch. Not paranormal, just the first time. They moved quick and were not playing.


While at base, on the front porch, I heard what sounded like someone walking around in the office while the investigating team was in the kitchen.

While investigating the master bedroom/office I heard three distinct taps during EVP session.

While sitting in the living room by the front door I started to smell a burnt smell which move into the office area, Brian smelled it too.

Also while sitting in the living room I heard what sounded like a spring that was pulled and let go, I heard it twice and no one was moving both times.



·       3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths, approximately 1,540 square feet and was built in 1920.

·       Exterior wood siding, crawl space underneath, one story

·       No deaths reported on property

·       Created on Feb 3, 1786 when encroached on the land controlled by the Creek Indians.  The first years were marked by Indian raids during the Creek War.

·       Union Point is a community with a rich historical heritage, developed at the crossing of two railroads in 1834. The city is strewn with historic places and buildings such as elegant Victorian residential and commercial buildings, the Chipman Union Hosiery Mill, the Terrace Hotel Inn and the Bethesda Baptist church, which dates back to 1785.

·       Union Point’s Historic District also boasts the Hawthorne Heights Mansion. Named for the thick Hawthorne hedge that surrounds its eight-acre garden, the mansion houses one of the tea bushes Commodore Matthew Perry sent to Washington upon his return from opening Japanese ports to trade in 1854.

·       The Wayside Home operated in Union Point from 1862-1864, serving over one million meals to Confederate soldiers, sailors, and marines passing through the city, many in route to the bloodiest battlefields of the Civil War. General James Longstreet paused here in September 1863 in route to Chickamauga.

·       2 miles from property, Rodricus Ward fatally shot Gibbons at his 3661 Union Point Highway home in Greensboro, put her in the trunk of her car. The burned-out vehicle was found Oct. 22, 2014

·       3/10ths of a mile from property Patrolman Thomas Rowry was shot and killed by a drunk driver suspect he pulled over.

·       3 cemeteries within ½ mile of property

·       Ed and Larry were in this area 4 years ago, Scull Shoals Archeological Area

·       August 7, 2107, less than a mile from home, a murder-suicide occurred.  The victims were identified as Harold Jones, 40, and Barbara Ann Lewis, 49.

·       On the same street are a few houses built in the 1880’s.  The most famous, Rosemont.

·       Closest documented report of paranormal activity I could find was 8 miles away.

·       Not a single UFO report to MUFON since 1969.

·       Lots of Feldspar, quartz and granite beneath the area

·       The area is peppered with a lot of small streams and underground water in some spots.

Saturday 10/24 71 | 41 °F – Rain early in day, clouds in the evening





Below are some of the EVP’s we recorded from the investigation.  Since some of the EVP’s are faint we recommend turning up the sound and listening with headphones. What we hear in the EVP’s is listed below.

What we hear:

  1. Spring sound
  2. “Ed”, this was from the spare recorder in master bedroom, all investigators were in the living room at the time.