This video is of an energy orb that we captured on an investigation. You can see that it stays bright all through the video and gives off it’s own light that you can see reflecting off the rail and ceiling.

The second video is the same as the first one just slowed down.

[html5_vp2 id=”693916″ skin=”universalWhite” auto_play=”false”][html5_vp2_playlist_item title=”Energy Orb” mp4=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Energy-Orb.mp4″][/html5_vp2_playlist_item][html5_vp2_playlist_item title=”Energy Orb slowed” mp4=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Energy-Orb-Slo-mo.mp4″][/html5_vp2_playlist_item][/html5_vp2]

This video shows a light anomaly captured on our video camera. No one was around the area, inside or outside the house, when this was recorded. Any cars that went by the lights reflected off the far wall and were up high near the ceiling.

[html5_vp2 id=”140422″ skin=”universalWhite” auto_play=”false”][html5_vp2_playlist_item title=”Light anomaly.” mp4=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Light-Anomaly.mp4″ desc=”Unexplained light.”][/html5_vp2_playlist_item][/html5_vp2]