Ghosts of Georgia Investigation report


On March 25, 2017, GOGPI investigated claims of paranormal activity at a private residence in Covington, GA. The activity reported at the home is as follows:

Investigators & people present at investigation: Investigators – Ed Laughlin, Chris & Christie Bradley, Melissa Foster and guest investigators, Monty & Kodie


Moonrise, moonset and phase calendar:

Meridian Passing  

3-25, 2017


6:04 AM



5:30 PM


(252°)       (252°)
Meridian Passing Time

11:44 AM





Distance Illuminated







Almanac for COVINGTON, GA
March 25, 2017
Daily Data Observed —- Normal Record Highest Record Lowest
Max Temperature M 68 90 in 1929 47 in 1934
Min Temperature M 43 61 in 2012 23 in 1894
Avg Temperature M 55.8 71.0 in 1929 38.0 in 2008
Precipitation M 0.14 2.60 in 1901 0.00 in 2013
Snowfall M 0.0 T in 1971 0.0 in 2013
Snow Depth M T in 1971 0 in 2013
HDD (base 65) M 10 27 in 2008 0 in 2012
CDD (base 65) M 0 6 in 1929 0 in 2013

Equipment used by Investigators

Cameras: Two Canon Rebel digital cameras, Samsung digital camera, Fuji S602 digital camera, Tasco infrared trail camera, iPhone 5S Camera/Video, numerous IR Video Cameras connected to a J2000 DVR. Nikon Coolpix L28 Full Spectrum digital camera, Bell & Howell IR Camcorder, JVC Everio Camcorder, T700 Full spectrum Camcorder, DDV-2200 full spectrum video camcorder, Insignia full spectrum HD camera/video recorder, MagiCam Mini Camcorder, FLIR Bcam w/SD, set of full spectrum POV glasses.

DVR: Black HD-SDI H.264

EMF Meters: Electro Sensor EMF Meter, Cell Sensor, Digital EMF Detectors, Mel-8704R-KII, Mel-8704-R, several K-II Meters.

Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder, 2- Sony digital recorders, Olympus D-10 digital voice recorder, RCA digital recorder Olympus VN-4100PC. Spion Parabolic Dish.

Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega HH68K ambient thermometer. Mel-8704R-KII has ambient thermometer included.

Other: 2-P-SB7 frequency sweep radio( spirit box ), P-SB11 spirit box, Spirit voice receiver, Boo Buddy Bear, Laser Grid, Compaq Presario Laptop, Dell Laptop, Ovilus M, Altec speaker, 2- Rem Pods, various flashlights.

Condition of home:

Start DVR 9:13 pm, Start Investigation 9: pm, End Investigation 3:13 am, Stopped DVR 3:17 am

Base Readings8:56 pm

Family Rm       74.0 Temp       0.1 EMF (0.3 TV, 0.5 coffee table, 0.1-0.4 couch)

Family Rm 2    74.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Kitchen            75.0 Temp       0.1 EMF (48.0 microwave,)

Playroom         74.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Foyer               74.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Dining             74.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

½ Bath             76.0 Temp       0.5 EMF

Master Bed      73.0 Temp       0.3 EMF

Master Bath     73.0 Temp       0.3 EMF

Master Closet  73.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Upper Hall      75.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Guest Rm         76.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Christmas Rm  76.0 Temp       0.1 EMF (0.9 closet)

Hall Bath         76.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Princess Rm    76.0 Temp       0.1 EMF

Princess Closet 76.0 Temp     0.2 EMF


After Base Readings and Equipment Set Up – Investigation Began

Investigation Began – 9: pm

Investigation – Team 1 – Chris & Brian

  1. 9:07 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 9:13 pm – Start EVP w/Ghost Box & Flashlight – 9:33 pm End EVP
  2. 9:34 pm – Medal Room
    1. 9:38 pm – Start Conversational EVP – 9:46 pm End EVP
    2. 9:46 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 10:00 pm End EVP
  3. 10:10 pm – Basement
    1. 10:14 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box & Flashlight – 10:33 pm End EVP


Investigation – Team 2 – Christie & Melissa

  1. 10:49 pm – Basement
    1. 10:52 pm – Start EVP w/Ghost Box & Flashlight – 11:12 pm End EVP
  2. 11:15 pm – Kitchen
    1. 11:17 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight – 11:31 pm End EVP
  3. 11:32 pm – Medal Room
    1. 11:34 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box & Flashlight – 11:56 pm End EVP
  4. 11:58 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 12:12 am – Start EVP w/Spirt Box – 12:23 am End EVP


End Investigation: 3:13 am




GOGPI was called in to investigate the above claims of activity. We set up stationary cameras in the reported active areas of the house. We then started investigating the rooms in the house by taking base EMF and temperature readings.

Ed Laughlin

Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigations

Personal Experience summaries from investigators on the investigation


While in the basement getting my equipment ready I heard knocks from the floor above and a floorboard squeak like someone stepped on it, no one was upstairs.

Monty and I started our investigation in the kitchen where I was hearing the noises from the basement. As we were investigating we both heard the same sounds coming from the second floor above us. We cancele investigating in the kitchen and went upstairs, no one was up there.

While investigating the second floor and the different rooms we would hear the knocks and when we went to the area we heard them from the would have moved to another location as if they were staying away or leading us away from certain rooms. While in the Christmas room we asked if they wanted us to leave to knock, we heard a knock in the hallway so we honored their request and left.

No other experiences.


While setting up and while at base  I heard what sounded like foot steps coming from above us. While in the Princess room I thought I saw a shadow movement on the wall by the TV.


While at base I heard distinct footsteps in the kitchen/dining area.


While sitting at base, I saw a small green light flash twice outside the window.

Monty’s personal experience:

While investigating​ in the kitchen I heard knocks and noises from the second floor. While investigating on the second floor Ed and I would hear a noise in a different room when we would go there it seemed to move to a different room. While in the Christmas room we asked for it to knock if it wanted us to leave and it did so we left



·       Built in 2001 – 3 Bedrooms, 3 full, 1 partial Bathrooms, 4,576 sqft,

·       Roof-asphalt, 2 story and basement, Exterior Walls-Wood, Foundation-Masonry

·       No deaths reported on or within a block of property.

·       Archaeologists believe that humans have lived in the region for at least 12,000 years, perhaps much longer. Clovis and Folsom points, associated with Late Ice age big game hunters have been found in the surrounding valleys. During the Ice Age, herds of giant mammals roamed the area including mastodons, saber tooth tigers, and giant sloths.

·       The ethnic identity of the Clovis Culture hunters is not known. They were long presumed to be American Indians, but recent research by anthropologists have revealed many similarities with the big game hunters of Western Europe. An ice cap on North Atlantic Ocean may have permitted early humans to move back and forth.

·       After the American Revolution, Creek families dispersed across the vast territory now controlled by the Creek Confederacy. There were relatively few in the North Georgia Mountains, which were controlled by the Upper Creeks. Thousands of Cherokee refugees moved through this area during the 1780s and 1790s.

·       Creeks occupied the area until it was ceded to the State of Georgia in 1818 and 1821.

·       A very important Native American trade path passed through north of this address. It connected the shoals on the Savannah River (Patofa) where Augusta is now located, with the shoals on the Etowah River adjacent to Etowah Mounds.

·       Established as “Mule Camp Springs” near the crossing of two Indian trails followed by settlers in the 1800s

·       Covington was founded by European Americans and incorporated in 1822. Covington was named for United States Army Brigadier General and US Congressman Leonard Covington, a hero of the War of 1812. The city grew with the railroad in 1845.

·       In 1864, General Sherman’s troops marched through during their March to the Sea. Although they looted the city, destroying numerous buildings, several antebellum homes were spared.  Covington was home to several women, children and injured soldiers during the Civil War, making it a very easy target.  General Garrard, under General Sherman’s orders, destroyed three bridges, two supply depots and an overwhelming amount of army supplies. This great attack is now known as The Capture of Covington.

·       The Covington Historic District and the North Covington Historic District within the city are both listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

·       4 miles away-Dec 12, 2016 – 19-year-old Alyssa Wright was strangled by her boyfriend

·       Few miles away – June 6, 2016 – A 16-year-old murdered a man who gave him and his friends a ride. The man, Enrique Ramirez Trejo was shot multiple times.

      Saturday 03/25 – 74 | 56 °F     80% chance of Rain and Thunder


  • Found an old article for the area: December 28, 1882 – Last Saturday evening about 3 o’clock.  Will Smith of Jasper County, and James Banks, of Newton County, met in a bar-room at Covington,   A quarrel arose about cards, and a scuffle ensued.  Smith was pressing it, while Banks was declining.  Smith, with a large navy pistol, a six shooter, shot Banks through the body.  He staggered into the next door and expired.  The murderer ran.  He was pursued by white and colored men, and when overtaken, Alexander Hendricks, colored, with a rock in his hand, ordered him to stop.  He was turned upon by the murderer and shot through the body.  He fell.  Then another pursuer fired at Smith, putting a ball through his hat.  Sheriff Anderson with a posse, came up with the murderer about a mile distant south of the town, and he was seen to hide himself behind a pile of brush.  Anderson was told of his position.  Riding up, he demanded Smith’s surrender.  At the peril of his life, he was taken by the sheriff.  When the officer, with Smith, arrived in the town, the scene was indescribable.  A yell was raised and the crowd ran to meet them, crying out, “Kill him;” let us hang him.”  There was a large crowd in town and it was with difficulty that Smith could pass through the streets.  Excitement is still high.  A strong guard is on duty, and the law will be executed.



Below are some of the EVP’s we recorded from the investigation.  Since some of the EVP’s are faint we recommend turning up the sound and listening with headphones. What we hear in the EVP’s is listed below.

What we hear:

  1. Knocks
  2. “White ta” or “Whata”
  3. Not sure possibly “You or ya say”
  4. Knock
  5. Knock
  6. Knock
  7. Hiss/breath
  8. “Yes” or “Okay”
  9. 3 knocks