Any findings, EVP’s, pictures, video, etc., will be posted below the report at the bottom of the page along with what we hear or are seeing.


Investigation report

On November 29, 2008 GOGPI investigated claims of paranormal activity in an Old Antebellum Plantation home in Marietta, GA. Claims of activity included unexplained sounds from attic and the family dog running out of the house never to come back in.

Weather conditions:

Weather Conditions: Raining
Temperature: 42
Humidity: 99%
Barometric Pressure:
Wind Speed: 10 mph
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 5% Lit
Solar X-Rays: Normal
Geomagnetic Field: Quiet

Condition of House:

The house was built in 1844 and was under renovation at the time of the investigation. Most of the original house was still intact but the rear section was completely rebuilt, this section was also added on sometime after the original house was built and extended to the detached kitchen incorporating into the house. This room was still original. The utilities were turned off and were not connected to the house. As expected in a house its age the floor boards would creak when walked upon, the windows were worn in their tracks and would rattle when the wind blew. The structure of the house was solid. It was located in a part residential and part commercial area. The commercial area was comprised of offices. Other than the rain no noises were heard coming from the outside.

Equipment used by Investigators:

Cameras: Canon digital Rebel camera, a Sony Cybershot digital camera 3, Nikon Digital, Hi8 camcorder and Canon 5D with detachable Sunpack auto DX 12R ring flash and EF 24-70mm lens mounted on Bogen tripod.
EMF Meters: Cell Sensor cellular phone/EMF detection meter, Electro Sensor EMF
Meter, digital EMF meter and KII EMF meter.
Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder and an Olympus D-10 digital voice
Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega
HH68K ambient thermometer.

Before we began the investigation, while unloading equipment – Robin and Beth were taking pictures of the outside of the house around 9:00 pm. Beth only took 5 pictures before her camera went dead. The battery in Beth’s camera was fully charged before leaving home.
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She did not get any low battery warnings on her camera before it stopped working. (It was discovered later that Beth’s battery could no longer be charged, and she had to purchase a new camera battery from Sony). As we walked into the home, we all noticed two tiny hand prints on the glass of the door in the main living room. Both Michelle and Beth reported feeling dizzy and light headed. We continued to unload and set up equipment. Between 9:30 – 10:00 am, Beth and Robin were alone at the base camp waiting on the Michele and Ed to set up cameras. The room the camp was set up in was the old kitchen that was set apart from the house but was later incorporated to the house. Both Robin and Beth heard a very loud crashing sound in the corner of the room. Then Robin’s flash on her camera started going off over and over again by itself. We had zero EMF readings and normal temperature readings. The flashing on the camera lasted about 15 seconds.

Michele and Ed returned to base shortly after the above mentioned occurrence. Beth and Michele went up to the 2nd floor to begin taking base reading while Robin waited at base while Ed got his equipment ready. While in the room both Robin and Ed heard a male voice coming from outside the room, in the back area of the house. They both stated that they thought it may be the owner coming by. Upon investigating they found no one there.

Ed, Robin, Michele & Beth (two teams) started the investigation at 10:50 pm with a preliminary sweep through the home starting on the 2nd floor. Below are the base readings:

Base Readings:

1. 10:50 pm – Room #2 upstairs – average 52.5degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2 –.0.3 milligause.
• Sensitive report – All three girls were very light headed and dizzy in Room 2, and hall area – feeling of not being alone.
o While taking base readings we heard several odd sounds in the corner by the window – it was later debunked when we realized the floor boards were off balance and it caused the sound when you walked on them.

2. 10:53 am – Room #1 upstairs – average 53.5 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause.
• Sensitive report – Benign feelings

3. 10:55 am – Room #4 upstairs – average 53 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause.
• Sensitive report – Benign feelings

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4. 10:56 am – Hall upstairs – average 52 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s
detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause.

• Sensitive report – Still very dizzy and light headed, feeling of not being alone, like being watched.

5. 10:57 am – Room #3 upstairs – average 52 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause.

Sensitive report – Benign feelings but some uneasy feelings too. Room has a colder feel as well

6. 11:05 pm – Room #2 – average 52.degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause. EMF spiked on heater grate on the floor of this room – between 0.2 and 0.6 milligause.
• Sensitive report – All three girls were very light headed and dizzy in Room 2, downstairs too – feeling of not being alone.

7. 11:08 pm – Room #1 – average 53 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause.
• Sensitive report – Benign feelings

8. 11:10 pm – Room #4, dining room- average 53.8 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause.
• Sensitive report – Feelings of this room having some energy, maybe residual.

9. 11:14 pm – Hall & bottom of stairs – average 52.7 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – 0.2 milligause.
• Sensitive report – Still very dizzy and light headed, feeling of not being alone, like being watched.

10. 11:20 pm – Room #3 – average 52.5 degrees, average EMF readings on Michele’s detector – between 0.2-0.3 milligause.
• Sensitive report – Benign feelings

Main Investigation

Approximately 11:45 pm we started the main investigation. We divided up into two teams at first – Ed and Beth started in the attic. Since we had not been in the attic yet we stated with taking base reading, Temperature 50 degrees, and EMF reading 0 milligause. While investigating the attic we conducted an EVP session while team 2 was doing an EVP session in Room #3 on the 2nd floor. The temperature and EMF readings remained the same while we were in the attic.

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• Sensitive report – Beth had benign feelings in the attic, but was drawn to the window in the attic for some reason.

While Michele and Robin were in Room #3 Robin’s camera flash started to flash on it’s own in response to Michele’s questions during the EVP session. Michele took a picture of Robin and Robin’s camera flashed back. This happened several times. Michele had gotten the feeling as if someone was trying to communicate. When Robin stepped out of the room and was standing in the doorway she tried to change settings on her camera and none of the controls would work as if the camera froze up. She turned it off and then back on again, it started working. She stated that neither of these incidences ever occurred before.

Ed and Beth met up with the other team when we got out of the attic and we decided to combine the teams and stay together. We then proceeded to Room #2 at 12:05 am on the 2nd floor. We conducted an EVP session without incident. The temperature and EMF reading remained the same.
• Sensitive report – Beth noticed a very foul, dead like odor in the room this time. She thought she heard music, like an outdoor party, food, laughter, conversation etc… Not a bad feeling, but felt some type of residual energy.
• Robin felt uneasy at doorway to room #1, Ed felt a presence near the attic steps between room #2 and #3.

We proceeded to Room #1 at 12:35 am. Beth became very dizzy again in the hall going to Room #1. We conducted another EVP session without incident. Temperature and EMF readings remained the same.
• Sensitive report – Benign Feelings

We proceeded to Room #4 at 1:03 am. We conducted an EVP session without incident. Temperature and EMF reading remained the same.
• Sensitive report – Benign Feelings

We proceeded to Room #3 at 1:19 am. We conducted an EVP session without incident. Temperature and EMF readings remained the same.
• Sensitive report – Benign Feelings

We all agreed to take a break before investigation the 1st floor. Beth stopped recording notes after the break so she could listen to her sensitive feelings better. We decided to divide up in two teams. Beth and Ed volunteered to stay at the base camp while Robin and Michele did an investigated sweep on the 1st floor.

During the break Ed set his EMF meter in the area where the crashing noise was heard earlier in the evening. Shortly after setting it there Ed noticed that it spike up to about 10 milligause, no one was near it. Approximately 10 minutes later it did it again, unable to determine cause.
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3:25a.m. Michele and Robin (Team #2) started the investigation of the first floor in room #3. At 3:32 Michele radioed base and stated that they heard unexplained noises coming from outside the room in the hallway. Beth and Ed hear a clapping noise coming from that area, Beth states she hers voices from the same area. Readings remained the same.
3:37a.m. Team 2 starts in room #2. At 3:41 team #2 reports hearing footsteps coming from upstairs near the rear of the house. Beth then reports seeing a possible shadow figure walk by the back door while watching the monitor. Readings remained the same.

3:46a.m. Team 2 starts in room #1. 3:53a.m. Michele radios base to see if anyone was walking around, no one was walking around, she then reports hearing raps, footsteps coming from upstairs near room 2, and knocking downstairs near rear of house. Michele requested that we come to room 1 and help them investigate the noises. Readings remained the same.

Sensitive Note by Beth –but during the investigation on the 1st floor, both Ed and Beth were called to Room #1 after team 2 heard noises that could not be explained. We continued their EVP session together. Beth and Robin both heard the same voice answering the questions. We described it as a male, and it sounded like he was talking through an Old Edison Radio. It had a sharp twang in his voice. We
both could hear what sounded like a man answering the questions as they were asked in
the EVP session. Also, while Beth and Ed were at Base camp – we heard several unexplained sounds in the house while we were watching the monitor.

4:20a.m. Team 1 and 2 starts in room 4. In the doorway between rooms 1 and 4 Michele’s camcorder stops working, took out cassette and then put it back in, started working again. Room was uneventful. Readings remained the same.

Ended Investigation at ………….04:30


During the investigation the teams had several unexplained personal experiences, hearing disembodied voices, footsteps, unexplained knocking along with a camera flash going off by itself, battery drain, camera malfunctions, and video equipment turning off. This in itself doesn’t indicate that there is paranormal activity but when two or more investigators experience the same phenomena it is hard to over look. We were able to debunk some of the noises as the windows moving back and forth in their tracks when the wind blew and to floor boards causing noises but some noises we could not find an explanation for.

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The temperature and meter readings remained the same during the investigation as they were during the base readings, indicating no activity. The only unexplained meter activity was while Ed’s meter was sitting in the corner of the kitchen and spiked up a couple times.

Nothing unusual showed up on the digital pictures that were taken.

The audio revealed numerous EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomena). Again EVP’s alone do not indicate paranormal activity but with the personal experiences from the teams and from the owners it does lead credence to the possibility of paranormal activity at the location.

We feel that there is something unexplained going on at the location based on the reports given us, our experiences, and the EVP’s. Unfortunately nothing showed up on our equipment to verify what we were experiencing. We also feel that what we found was enough to warrant a follow up investigation to see if we could get more evidence or perhaps debunk some of our experiences.
Ed Laughlin,
Director GOGPI

What we hear:

  1. “The light”
  2. “I’m cold”
  3. “Yes, I want to go through every time, Turkey”
  4. “Shhhhhhh”