Investigation report
On Sept. 10. 2015 we investigated the battleship USS North Carolina in Wilmington, N.C. There have been numerous reports of activity on the ship to include human shaped shadows, apparitions, extreme cold spots, being touched, hatches closing on their own, unknown blue light on the main deck, etc.

“We would like to thank everyone at the USS North Carolina for all their assistance, you all were great and helped make this investigation a success!”

Investigators & people present at investigation: Ed Laughlin, Beth Peters, Christie Bradley, Chris Bradley, Melissa Foster. Guest Investigators: Clarence, Jason.

When the keel of NORTH CAROLINA was laid in October of 1937 at the New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York, she was the first battleship to be constructed in sixteen years. She became the first of ten fast battleships to join American fleet in World War II. NORTH CAROLINA (BB 55) and her sister ship, WASHINGTON (BB 56), comprised the NORTH CAROLINA Class. Following them were the SOUTH DAKOTA Class – SOUTH DAKOTA (BB 57), INDIANA (BB 58), MASSACHUSETTS (BB 59), and ALABAMA (BB 60) – and the IOWA Class – IOWA (BB 61), NEW JERSEY (BB 62), MISSOURI (BB 63), and WISCONSIN (BB 64).
At the time of her commissioning on 9 April 1941, she was considered the world’s greatest sea weapon. Armed with nine 16-inch/45 caliber guns in three turrets and twenty 5-inch/38 caliber guns in ten twin mounts, NORTH CAROLINA proved a formidable weapons platform. Her wartime complement consisted of 144 commissioned officers and 2,195 enlisted men, including about 100 Marines.
During World War II, NORTH CAROLINA participated in every major naval offensive in the Pacific area of operations and earned 15 battle stars. In the Battle of the Eastern Solomon’s in August of 1942, the Battleship’s anti-aircraft barrage helped save the carrier ENTERPRISE, thereby establishing the primary role of the fast battleship as protector of aircraft carriers. One of her Kingfisher pilots performed heroically during the strike on Truk when he rescued ten downed Navy aviators on 30 April 1944. In all, NORTH CAROLINA carried out nine shore bombardments, sank an enemy troopship, destroyed at least 24 enemy aircraft, and assisted in shooting down many more. Her anti-aircraft guns helped halt or frustrate scores of attacks on aircraft carriers. She steamed over 300,000 miles. Although Japanese radio announcements claimed six times that NORTH CAROLINA had been sunk, she survived many close calls and near misses with one hit when a Japanese torpedo slammed into the Battleship’s hull on 15 September 1942. A quick response on the part of the crew allowed the mighty ship to keep up with the fleet. By war’s end, the Ship lost only ten men in action and had 67 wounded.
After serving as a training vessel for midshipmen, NORTH CAROLINA was decommissioned 27 June 1947 and placed in the Inactive Reserve Fleet in Bayonne, New Jersey, for the next 14 years. In 1958 the announcement of her impending scrapping led to a statewide campaign by citizens of North Carolina to save the ship from the scrappers torches and bring her back to her home state. The Save Our Ship (SOS) campaign was successful and the Battleship arrived in her current berth on 2 October 1961. She was dedicated on 29 April 1962 as the State’s memorial to its World War II veterans and the 11,000 North Carolinians who died during the war…

Equipment used by Investigators:

Cameras: Two Canon Rebel digital cameras, Samsung digital camera, Fuji S602 digital camera, Tasco infrared trail camera, iPhone 5S Camera/Video, numerous IR Video Cameras connected to a J2000 DVR. Nikon Coolpix L28 Full Spectrum digital camera, Bell & Howell IR Camcorder, JVC Everio Camcorder, T700 Full spectrum Camcorder, DDV-2200 full spectrum video camcorder, Insignia full spectrum HD camera/video recorder, MagiCam Mini Camcorder, FLIR Bcam w/SD, set of full spectrum POV glasses.
DVR: Black HD-SDI H.264
EMF Meters: Electro Sensor EMF Meter, Cell Sensor, Digital EMF Detectors, Mel-8704R-KII, Mel-8704-R, several K-II Meters.
Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder, 2- Sony digital recorders, Olympus D-10 digital voice recorder, RCA digital recorder Olympus VN-4100PC. Spion Parabolic Dish.
Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega HH68K ambient thermometer. Mel-8704R-KII has ambient thermometer included.
Other: 2-P-SB7 frequency sweep radio( spirit box ), P-SB11 spirit box, Spirit voice receiver, Boo Buddy Bear, Laser Grid, Compaq Presario Laptop, Dell Laptop, Ovilus M, Altec speaker, 2- Rempod’s, various flashlights.

Investigation beginning and end: 7:00 pm set up DVR system and IR cameras, 9:00 pm started investigation- 5:30 am ended investigation.

Summary of Investigation:

Two teams were formed, team #1 consisted of Beth, Christie, and Melissa, team #2 consisted of Ed, Larry, Chris, Clarence, and Jason. Team #1 started their investigation on the starboard side of the ship and worked from stern to aft, from the main deck down to the lowest deck. Team #2 started on the port side and went from aft to stern working all decks. After investigating for a few hours, and a short break, the teams switched sides of the ship to investigate including the bridge this time. At 4:00 am the teams paired up into teams of two and went to various areas of the ship until the end of the investigation. During the investigations each team took EMF and temperature readings, conducted EVP sessions, took numerous digital photos, and used video recording equipment, including thermal cameras, in conjunction with our stationary IR cameras, while moving around the ship. We concluded the investigation at 5:30 am.


While investigating the EMF and temperature reading were within normal limits. There were occasional spikes on our EMF meters but most spikes we could explain as electrical boxes on the ship but a few spikes we could not explain by normal causes, may have been caused by spirit energy.

We did capture numerous EVP’s on the ship along with a couple photos showing unexplained figures. We did not see anything on the video. The investigators had some personal experiences as well, see below.

With the numerous stories from different people over the years, the EVP’s we captured, the photos we took, and personal experiences by the investigators we feel that the USS North Carolina is haunted. We feel that some of the activity may be residual as well as intelligent haunting.
Ed Laughlin
Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigations
Personal Experience summaries from investigators on the investigation:

Christie- While sitting at base during set up I felt something move across my back between my should blades from the left to the right. I also witnessed Beth’s motion activated ball go off in her bag and there was no one with in 10 feet of it.

Beth- I heard my name being called over the radio very loud, (sounded like Ed). I went over to respond and realized the radios were not on or unpacked yet. I was by myself at the end of the room near base when I heard it. While investigating the Officers lounge, I heard several unexplained sounds, a metal clink, and the sound of a small bell in the distance. In the same room, I also had my K2 Meter light up on the table in reaction to my phone that I felt certain had been on airplane mode before. Toward the end of the investigation, I went over to where my light up ball was sitting at the end of the room by base. I had just heard a weird chirp sound that prompted me to go over there. I started bouncing the ball on the counter and stated out of disappointment that I sure wish someone had played with my ball and lit it up during the investigation. A few seconds later out of my sight the girls on the team saw my other light up ball lighting up in my bag at base. It was at least 10 feet away and it’s actually very hard to light up without hitting it. It lit up in my bag several times on its own as I played with the other ball several feet away. Several people witnessed it as it went on for a few minutes.

Larry- While I was officers lounge with Beth, I heard a metallic sound. Also while in the officers lounge I heard a faint male voice. While outside the bridge twice I heard what sounded like metal being dragged across the deck below us. While investigating down in the engine room I saw what looked like a figure below me in a brown shirt, hurrying away from me. There was no one down there. We checked and all the access to the deck below, and they were all locked.

Melissa- I was with Christie when she felt something move across her back. I was also standing at base with Ed and Clarence when I heard a couple of metallic clanging noises. It seemed to me that it came from the kitchen area. In the officers lounge when Beth Christie and I were doing EVP, I heard what sounded like a small bell ringing and I saw the K2 meter flash. When we were down in the bunking area off the small mess hall, I stared getting really creeped out and felt like someone was watching us. We left and when we came back thru, I got that same feeling again. At the end of Beth, Christie and my 1st walk, we were walking thru the mess hall that had the movie screen up and I heard foot steps behind me. It sounded like hard sole shoes coming up behind me quickly. I turned around expecting one of the guys and no one was there. When Clarence and I were doing an EVP session in the rear mess hall near the laundry area, we heard several bangs coming from the next room. It was during the time I was asking for a response to questions but I need to review my recording to be sure.

Ed- When I was sitting at base with Melissa and Clarence, before we started to investigate, I heard three metallic bang sounds. After the second part of the investigation when I came back to base I saw Beth’s ball lighting up in her bag and no one was around. While in the room it activated two more times with no one near it.


Below are some of the EVP’s we recorded from the investigation.  Since some of the EVP’s are faint we recommend turning up the sound and listening with headphones. What we hear in the EVP’s is listed below.

What we hear:

  1. Someone whistle, no investigator whistled and was not heard by investigators.
  2. Bell sound
  3. “What’s she doing” then “While it be” or “Follow me” female voice
  4. Another bang noise, no one was on the ship at this time.
  5. A whistle sound, no one on ship.
  6. Whistle sound, same area as the previous one.
  7. Jingling bell sound 
  8. “Check crew” between investigators talking
  9. “Lord have mercy on us”
  10. Click/tap noise
  11. “Hello” male voice middle of clip
  12. Tapping on metal sound, maybe Morse code? Investigators didn’t here it.
  13. Tapping sound investigators didn’t here it.
  14. Laughing
  15. “You got” then “Ed got the right idea”
  16. Breath sound after the bang noise
  17. “Hello”
  18. “Ed” one of the investigators was named Ed
  19. Metallic bang noise or sonar/radar ping sound
  20. A voice maybe saying hungry then sounds like someone making a dog growling noise. No one in the group made that sound or heard it with their ears.
  21. Moan sound, no one in the group made or heard that sound.